Dry body brushing

Dry body brushing has its roots in Ayurvedic medicine. It involves gently brushing the skin with a dry, firm, bristled brush. It is designed to stimulate your lymphatic system, exfoliate your skin, enhance blood circulation and is invigorating and energising.
Dry body brushing technique
The best time to dry body brush is right before a shower, preferably in the morning. How often you brush depends on your personal preference. Some people love to body brush daily, but others once or twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, or just starting out, I would recommend body brushing just once per week.
Always use upward strokes, toward your heart. This technique is said to help support your body’s natural circulation and lymphatic system.
Remember not to use too much pressure. Make sure you only brush lightly on delicate areas, avoiding particularly sensitive areas, as well as any broken or inflamed skin. It is totally normal for some redness to occur after brushing due to the increased circulation.
1. Brush from the top of your feet to your thighs and buttocks. Include a few short strokes behind your knees.
2. Moving up the body, brush your arms, moving in strokes from hands to elbows, then upper arms to shoulders. You can also gently brush underneath your arms.
3. Next, gently brush your chest, stomach, back and shoulders. Body brushing is not recommended for the face and neck since these areas are too delicate and sensitive.
Follow with a shower to wash away any dead skin cells and impurities. Once you have dried off, apply your favourite body lotion to help lock in moisture and keep your freshly exfoliated skin feeling soft and smooth.
We recommend our Botanical Hand and body lotion. It is an ultra-nourishing body lotion, rich in a luscious blend of skin enhancing oils and butters infused with Jacaranda, Calendula and Native Australian Banksia extract. This luxurious moisturiser absorbs easily, leaving the skin soft and hydrated without greasy residue.